2 - Hand Massage

Paraffin Hand Dip

Paraffin hand and foot treatments are used to lock in moisture. The wax is warm and soothing and your hands and feet will be left feeling soft and supple.
If you have never had one put it on the top of your things-to-do list. It is worth the extra fee if you are getting a manicure. Or make it an at home treat by following this article at about.com.

- http://beauty.about.com/od/homemadefacemask1/r/how_to_make_paraffin_wax_treatment_for_hands.htm

Self Massage for the Hand - 1

This can be done anytime your hands are not busy.

-Begin with sweeping strokes on the back of the hand, gliding from the wrist to the fingertips and back.

-Gently squeeze the hand between flat fingers and the thumb of your other hand

-Run your thumb between the tendons on the back of the hand, rubbing from the knuckles up to the back of the wrist.

-From the knuckles to the fingertips, gently squeeze each finger, rotating each joint with slight circling motions. Gently pull on each finger at the tip.

-Supporting the back of the hand with the fingers (of the other hand), use your thumb to massage the palm with circular motions, using firm pressure.

- Stroke the palm from fingertip to wrist, continuing up the arm.

Self Massage for the Hand –2

Self applied massage of the hands can be very simple and far from esoteric.  First massage your hands all over with firm thumb pressure. Notice areas of soreness and tenderness as you go.  Then return to the tender areas and administer firm, kneading thumb pressure for a few minutes.  Look for tender points on the back of the hand as well.  Be sure to massage the finger. Progress out toward the fingertips. Then, using the thumb and forefinger, press on both sides of the nail bed.  These are special acupuncture paints called entry and exit points.  These tender areas are associated with body functions and organs that are not operating at their healthiest levels.  Generally, if your health challenges are related to the upper part of the body, the tender reflexes will tend to be more toward the fingers, while health challenges from the lower part of the body will tend to be reflected in tenderness located toward the heel of the hand.
-The Healer Within

Additional info


Hand Care for Musicians by David Sawyer

Skin From the Outside In by Julia Tatum Hunter MD and Felicia M. Tamasko

The Good-skin Diet; How to get the seven vitamins you need for a beautiful complexion, Shape Magazine, June, 2002, by Elizabeth Somer.

Nourish Your Skin From the Outside In; What’s the best way to keep wrinkles at bay?
Vitamins A, B, C, E, and K, Natural Health, Now Magazine, 2004, by Karyn Repinski.